Wednesday, September 9, 2015

This is how I feel every day when I wake up, and I hope you do too!

What Is A Blog?  A blog is a place where you can read what people post (this may be recipes, articles they find interesting, or their own writing) and then you react and respond to it in comments!  

What Will Be On Our Blog?  I will be posting whatever I find to be an interesting text that week and I will ask you guys to respond to it in a comment that is between 250-500 words.  The texts will often be current events articles, but they may be poems, short stories or images that I find interesting. Blog posts will always go up by Monday afternoon and will be due by class on Friday for discussion or analysis of the comments.

How Do I Find The Blog?  You can always find the blog by going to

Will This Be Graded?  Of course! It will be part of your homework & work habits grade.

How Do You Pick What You Post?  I pick texts that interest or excite me.  However, I love suggestions, so if there is a poem you think people could get a lot out of, a news story you are shocked by or a story you read that everyone else should read too, talk to me and you will get extra credit for submitting a text that I think is worthy of posting!